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The Hourly Rate is $150.00

A Half hour is $75.00

A typical Birthday Party is on average about 10-15 people. Whether its a Princess party or Pirate party makes no difference, we will work with whatever theme!


​Have you got more than 15 people attending your event? Consider our hourly rate!​

The Individual* Rate is $10.00

Consider the individual rate if your party has fewer than 10 people planning on getting a face painting! *At a booked event the individual rate is $10.00 each regardless of design choice/size. 


At a festival face paint designs are between $10-$30. Depending on the difficulty of the design and the amount of time it requires to complete.

Tipping is also advised and appreciated if your artist is the bomb!!!


Have a design you would like? Pull up an image for us and we will try it!


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New to FacePaint!

GLOW PARTY!!! We bring out the tent, set up the black lights and use our UV reactive face paint! Your event will be spectacular! 

DayGlow Butterfly
DayGlow Elephant mandala
DayGlow Dragon
DayGlow Elephant
DayGlow Butterfly
DayGlow Spider Mask
DayGlow Butterfly
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